However, each employer may decide privately which drugs they test for, meaning they may exclude marijuana from their drug-free workplace policies. Living in a state with legal marijuana does not change the employer’s right to mandate drug testing. This is to help prevent discrimination based on test results. No applicant is subject to a pre-employment drug test unless they’ve already been offered the job. Additionally, all applicants must take the same type of test and a state-accredited lab must test it. For example, many states require that the employer clearly state that pre-employment testing is mandatory on the job posting. The employer must follow any policies and procedures set forth by the state that are meant to prevent discrimination or alter test results. In many cases, employers can drug test new applicants before hiring.

This includes military members and staff of the U.S. However, there are some industries that the federal government heavily regulates, and these employees do fall under a different lens of scrutiny when it comes to drug testing. Much like cannabis is legalized at a state level (as opposed to federal), drug testing policies are also established and upheld individually by the state. As such a large employer, one must wonder: does Amazon drug test? Let’s take a look at general drug testing policies and where the mega-giant Amazon fits into it all. Their exponential growth led founder, Jeff Bezos, to launch a fleet of Amazon-branded delivery vans in 2018. This, of course, depends largely on the nature of the job, as working retail at a bookstore and operating a forklift in a warehouse are two entirely different things.Īmazon began as an online bookstore and rapidly grew to become the world’s largest online retailer, and the second-largest private employer in the United States. It’s less about the taboo of hiring people that smoke weed, and more about whether or not someone can do their job while impaired. Even in states with legal recreational or medical cannabis, employers still hold the right to drug test their staff.